Wandering Star Babies Part 3!
Emlynn JonesClick here for part 1 and part 2!
It's hard to believe that we are three weeks into the Wandering Star Babies crowdfunding project and not only have we funded but you guys have blown past two stretch goals and are closing in on the third stretch goal!
For those new to crowdfunding, stretch goals are financial goals set for a project that unlocks extra goodies as a way to reward those willing to support the project. In this specific case, we're now unlocking free goodies for ALL backers! That's right, FREE!!!
Because of this amazing response, we’ve already unlocked two new goodies for all backers, the exclusive sticker sheet and the Wandering Star Babies special double-sided bracelet!
I had so much fun designing the sticker sheet and am super happy with how it turned out!
Please keep in mind that I will NEVER sell this sticker sheet in my shops or at conventions. I’ll produce one batch so I have enough to fulfill all the campaign orders. Any leftover sticker sheets will be given away at future conventions and events as a thank-you to friends who visit me. After that, they are gone forever. This sticker sheet is my way of thanking you guys for being so amazing and for believing in me!!!
At 10k we unlocked a special bracelet. I wanted to create something truly unique, so I came up with a new double-sided bracelet design! Each backer will receive this bracelet which features the colorful Star Babies on one side:
I will be offering this bracelet in my store in the future, but you guys are getting it for free!!!
So as I write this blog post, we are crazy close to the next goal of 15k. There’s a good chance we’ll pass it before we go live! Once we pass 15k, each Wandering Star Baby will come with a matching phone charm. If you order the complete box set of all six you will also get all six phone charms! I’ll include the phone charms in some way in my store for future purchases. I’m thinking that I might offer an upgraded box that regular customers can buy that will include the individual extras like phone charms plus any other extras (see below). But no worries, they’ll be paying more for it than the base crowdfunding price you’ve already paid. Only you guys are getting the super secret special deal! :-D
When I originally planned this out, I thought there was no way we’d get to 15k, so I left the 20k out there as an open stretch goal. But based on the response so far, I better get working on something huh? I’ll talk more about that in the next project update, but in the meantime…I have a hint (Popsocket). 🙂
But seriously! Thank you all so much! I am overwhelmed by your love and support! You guys are the best!!!